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409SS stbd catalyst failure replace vs O2 Spoof?

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I was getting some O2 sensor alarms about 10 hours ago, verified all 4 O2 sensors had wires damaged from lack of shrink wrap to support the wires.  No big deal, replaced them, everything seems fine for a couple days on the water.  Then one of the new O2 sensors failed and for some reason started noticing a little stinkier exhaust than normal which I thought may have been partly bc of cheap gas.  Nonetheless I did what I should have done originally and inspected the catalyst, sure enough the stbd catalyst has failed (port side looks great).

Usually I would just bite the bullet and replace it but there’s none in stock anywhere and I’m probably looking at waiting months for one to come available.  Not a big deal because it’s the end of the boating season here in Oregon.  That said, since the wait is so long I am wondering if anyone out there has good feedback regarding O2 sensor spoofing systems.  Obviously I would rather have operational cats, but I would be interested to know what pro’s and con’s this knowledge rich community can offer.  My goal would be to get optimum/normal performance without damaging the engine components or getting continuous service reqd alarms.  Has anyone done this successfully on these or similar engines?  I searched and found some threads where it’s been mentioned as an option to people but can’t find any where people actually did it.

Edited by PNWoke
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