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Help my wake for surfing.


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I haven't been able to get a great surf wake, but I haven't bought a fat sac yet either. So I'm looking for some recommendations to get a better wake. I have a '08 Sunscape diamond hull, 2 rear and center ballast, power wedge, and tower. I don't feel like I've really even gotten close to being able to get a good enough wake to relieve my rope of its duties. So my question is: do I just need to buy a 750# fat sac? Just one? Any recommendations on which kind? Also, am I just not using the right combination of ballasts? Do you inflate just the side you're surfing on or do you fill both sides? Center one also? I'm assuming put the power wedge on "max", put as many people in that corner of the boat, full tank of gas, etc, but I just feel like I should be doing a little better than I am with what I already got. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!!

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I have the same hull as you. Our setup is center full, surf side full, wedge all the way down, crew all on surf side, and a 750 in the surf side locker. You don't have to have the 750 if you have a large crew 5 big people minimum. Speed will be a little under 11mph depending if your speedo has been calibrated. I judge speed by slowly getting faster from idle just until the wave cleans up on the surf side.

Let us know how you do.

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Not sure what sunscape you have but it's either the same hull as mine or a foot longer. Either way you should do as jimmy has said for stock ballast. Never fill your non surfside tank! Getting a good surf wake is primarily of making the boat list. So fill your Center and rear surfside. Put as many ppl as you can along the surfside. the further over they are the better. Not that I condone this but my seating arrangements go like this until I run out of ppl: sunpad with feet on swimstep, sunpad with feet on seat, gunnel with feet on seat until full, than repeat with a second layer on sunpad and sitting on seat. no joke I can fit 8-10 ppl in this arrangement on my 20 ft boat and no ones even at the Center line of the boat. Like I said I don't condone this but I wanted to express my point on listing. Now I have two sacs and with two ppl in the boat sitting on the surfside I can DRASTICALLY change the shape of the wave from sitting on a surfside seat too sitting on a gunnel and hanging out over the water by the tower. That's one 165lb man changing a wave set by approx 2000lbs of ballast. So once again I stress location of weight is key. If someones sitting on the sunpad and you can see the gunnel than they have to move over and the person next to them should be touching.

As for ballast a 750lb fly high would do you wonders and I'd go so far as tell you to pick up the 370 tube sac as well for under the seat. This is the setup I have and you will be surfing in no time.

Take what I say with a grain of salt but I just wanted to express my opinion clearly. Best of luck out there.

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