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The Swampster LX


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I thought that I would finally share the details of what happened at Lake McClure the morning of May 30, 2005. One member here likes to speak with authority about what happened but he wasn't there, didn't even witness anything, so his information is second (or third) hand at best.

It was Memorial Day. Troy (SacRiverRat) and I had gotten up early and were looking for a 3rd. We went out to the houseboat and everyone was passed out and unwilling to participate. We were feeling discouraged until Brad (barefooth2oskier) agreed to drive for us. Yahoo.gif

Troy and I got our pulls in, all was right with the world. :) When we got back to the houseboat to drop Brad off Justin (Malibudude) was finally awake and wanted a pull. Back out we go...Brad was feeling better at this point and also took a couple of runs. As the morning passed the wind kicked up and the wallies showed up so we finished up.

As we were heading for the houseboat, with Justin sitting in the observers seat and Brad & Troy sitting on the floor in the back, Justin leans over and whispers "Do a bat-turn and get'em wet". I resisted at first but eventually caved (I'm weak). So doing 42 mph I cut the throttle and spin the wheel to starboard...my little Sporty does a textbook 360* flat spin and I throttle out of it. Great fun...except everyone is still dry. :( Hmmm, maybe a couple more mph's will put some water in.... Crazy.gif

2nd attempt at getting Troy & Brad wet went something like this...45 mph, cut throttle, spin wheel to starboard...Aaaahhhh!! Shocking.gif ...not exactly sure what caused it but water was coming from everywhere!! There was water coming over the windshield, water coming over the gunnels, there was even some water coming over the bimini (how the he!! does that happen? :lol: ). Needless to say, the second attempt was successful. Clap.gifCrazy.gif

We had about 3" of standing water in the bottom of the boat. Had to lift the engine cover slightly to allow it into the bilge so the bilge pump could get rid of it. At one point, my CD case floated by. Biggrin.gif

Hence my Sportster LX became the "Swampster LX", I still need to talk to Eric at domednumbers.com about getting dripmolds made.

So Stewart...a couple of points:

1) My boat didn't almost sink. Yes, we certainly took on some water but not even close to sinking it.

2) It wasn't done "Showing Off" as you so often like to accuse. It was done screwing around, having fun.

3) You like calling me "WallyBu" because you think that this incident was a "Wally" manuever. Maybe we should take a poll. What is a more "Wally" manuever?

a) Taking on some water doing a bat-turn after dawn patrol with your buddies.


B) Sinking your rig on the launch ramp.

I've never sunk a truck before. How about you Stewart?

From a thread about a guy who sank his truck at the launch ramp....

I did that to a Toyota truck once....

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale). We were soaked from the waist up. I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

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I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

:lol: Now you sound like my wife. Surprised.gif

LOL, I forgot about the openbow, yeah, water was a little deeper than 3" up there. Biggrin.gif

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale).  We were soaked from the waist up.  I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

Almost to the gunwale ROFL.gif Yeah, Troy said the pump was running all the way back to the ramp, (about 1-1/2 miles), and was still running all the way up to the campsites.

BTW, M-Dude didn't this all happen in the cove next to the houseboat?

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale).   We were soaked from the waist up.  I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

Almost to the gunwale ROFL.gif Yeah, Troy said the pump was running all the way back to the ramp, (about 1-1/2 miles), and was still running all the way up to the campsites.

BTW, M-Dude didn't this all happen in the cove next to the houseboat?

I remember Troy saying that. Not only in the cove next to the HB but in fact within the 5 mph zone. Granted there weren't any HB on those bouys since they are replacing the lines, but still 5 mph. :lol:

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3) You like calling me "WallyBu" because you think that this incident was a "Wally" manuever.  Maybe we should take a poll.  What is a more "Wally" manuever?

I like calling you WallyBu because you are. In fact, wasn't your screen name NorCalWallyBu when you came back?

Since youR sounding a little cranky this morning I HIGHLY suggest you get some help. LINK: ESTROVEN PMS RELIEF

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The openbow on a Sporty holds maybe 20 gallons....not that much water.

It happened out by the bundle of houseboat mooring bouys that aren't being used.

I notice you didn't address the sinking of your rig...

Has it dried out yet?

Almost. :lol:

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale).   We were soaked from the waist up.  I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

Almost to the gunwale ROFL.gif Yeah, Troy said the pump was running all the way back to the ramp, (about 1-1/2 miles), and was still running all the way up to the campsites.

BTW, M-Dude didn't this all happen in the cove next to the houseboat?

I remember Troy saying that. Not only in the cove next to the HB but in fact within the 5 mph zone. Granted there weren't any HB on those bouys since they are replacing the lines, but still 5 mph. :lol:

M-Dude, how many boats were tied up next ot the HB then? How many people were on the HB?

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale).   We were soaked from the waist up.  I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

Almost to the gunwale ROFL.gif Yeah, Troy said the pump was running all the way back to the ramp, (about 1-1/2 miles), and was still running all the way up to the campsites.

BTW, M-Dude didn't this all happen in the cove next to the houseboat?

I remember Troy saying that. Not only in the cove next to the HB but in fact within the 5 mph zone. Granted there weren't any HB on those bouys since they are replacing the lines, but still 5 mph. :lol:

M-Dude, how many boats were tied up next ot the HB then? How many people were on the HB?

5 boats were tied and 12 people on the HB. Honestly the wal...sorry don't know why started typing that...the bat turn was a great enough distance as to not send rollers to the HB. Acutally LS-One and J-ro did bat turns closer to the HB then wally..oh sorry ROFL.gif Mike did.

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That is one batty explaination... :) Might I add the front bow area did have water up to the base of the vinyl siding (almost to the gunwale).   We were soaked from the waist up.  I told you the boat was dirty and was in need of some interior cleaning, it's just you can't do anything normal or halfway Love.gif

Almost to the gunwale ROFL.gif Yeah, Troy said the pump was running all the way back to the ramp, (about 1-1/2 miles), and was still running all the way up to the campsites.

BTW, M-Dude didn't this all happen in the cove next to the houseboat?

I remember Troy saying that. Not only in the cove next to the HB but in fact within the 5 mph zone. Granted there weren't any HB on those bouys since they are replacing the lines, but still 5 mph. :lol:

M-Dude, how many boats were tied up next ot the HB then? How many people were on the HB?

5 boats were tied and 12 people on the HB. Honestly the wal...sorry don't know why started typing that...the bat turn was a great enough distance as to not send rollers to the HB. Acutally LS-One and J-ro did bat turns closer to the HB then wally..oh sorry ROFL.gif Mike did.

Exactly. LS-One did it, J-Ro did it, so WallyBu tried it. Hence,

2) It wasn't done "Showing Off" as you so often like to accuse.  It was done screwing around, having fun.

It sounds like "showing off" too me.

Case closed.

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M-Dude, how many boats were tied up next ot the HB then?  How many people were on the HB?

Were you so drunk the entire week-end that you don't remember where those mooring bouys were? They were over 1000' from the HB. What does that have to do with anything? It was still early and most were still asleep anyway.

What is with you trying to make a big deal out of this? Is there some point or do you just like being a Richard? Compensating? I notice that you still refuse to acknowledge that sinking your rig is more "Wally" than taking on water doing a bat-turn.

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Exactly.  LS-One did it, J-Ro did it, so WallyBu tried it.  Hence,

2) It wasn't done "Showing Off" as you so often like to accuse.  It was done screwing around, having fun.

It sounds like "showing off" too me.

Case closed.

Are you stupid or just not paying attention? Never mind, I know the answer.

It was done to get Troy & Brad wet. That's it, nothing else.

I told this story to get a laugh and relive some good times (even if they were a little stressful at the time Crazy.gif ). Congrats Stewart, you have taking the fun out of it by being yourself. Small mind, big mouth.

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Lets see: In this thread you've called me out. You've called me a drunk, stupid, small minded and a loud mouth.

You need help. Nice childish post/thread.

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This is fun.

I must admit being just a bit jealous of the ability to do a bat turn with a DD. We were out in my friend's Nautique and he did a couple for some 12 yo girls we had in the boat. They were screaming and loved it. We didn't take on any water though. That must have been quite a sight to behold with water coming in everywhere. :lol:

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You need help.  Nice childish post/thread.

If I need help with anything it's with my temper (which I have acknowledged openly before) and not letting guys like you pi$$ me off.

This was a fun, light-hearted thread until you showed up...Good job.

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OK, well, I'm not trying to be compared to the swampster lx, nor to Stewart's truck, but I feel I must tell this story.

I have always taken great pride in the efficiency of my wife and I at the boat ramp. She backs up better than 95% of trailer-backers out there, which is a good enough percentage for me. And I back the boat off liek way better than like 50% of people... :)

Anyway, so a few weeks ago I got some of those nifty transom tie downs for the trailer. The first time we back down the ramp, I, of course, totally forget that those straps are there. So, I start the boat and I look down the side and the darn fender is floating on the trailer. And I'm like, I know, we somehow have hooked the underwater gear on the trailer...I'll just power it off. uhh..no. So I tell my wife to back down more. No dice. By now I've been in teh water for like 3 minutes and I'm starting to get a little chapped. So, I have her pull out of the water to look at everything. I don't notice anything odd at all, so back in the water we go. Can't get it off. So then I'm calling everyone around to help me unweight the boat off the trailer...when some complete Wally says "you unhooked the straps right?" Uhhhhhhh......noooo.

What an idiot! So far, I have been too embarrassed to post this story...but in light of lightening up this not so light thread, I have taken the first step to recovery.

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OK, well, I'm not trying to be compared to the swampster lx, nor to Stewart's truck, but I feel I must tell this story.

Well, before everyone thinks I actually sunk the whole truck........ Here is the story as I told it in April.

I guess WallyBu didn't search back that far for a quote.

I sunk a Toyota truck  :)

Come on Stewart... you can't leave us hanging like that!!!


OK, here goes...

We went on Spring Break to Havasu back in 1990.  It was a long cold/wet week.  A few of us brought jet skis and one guy brought a tournament boat.

Long story short, we launched at Black Meadow Landing (our campsite) and went to Copper Canyon.  There most of us partaked on some Margaritas  Cheers.gif

At the end of the day we all cruised back.  My one buddy told me to get his Toyota, cuz i was the only sober one in the group.  he wanted us to back his trcuk down so we could put his jet ski in the back of his truck.  So my other buddy, Chuck, and I handled the task.  I grabbed the Toyota and noticed it was in 4 wheel drive.  I backed it down the ramp while my buddy Chuck guided me.  I dipped the gated in the water, but we would have still had to lift the ske into the truck.  Chuck told to me back soen further, heck its a 4X4.  So I did.  What I didn't know was that a section of the ramp was missing.  So, when I backed in further my rear wheel went of the ramp and dropped.  Big problem.  i threw it into first only to find that the front wheels were not spinning.  Chuck's yelling at me, "put it into 4 wheel drive"  and I'm yelling back, "it is".  In the meantime the bed is filling with more water and the truck is slowly sinking.  It got to the point where I was sitting in the cab and the water was up to my knees.  At this point I turned off the engine and all the electronics.  I then started to open the door so I could get the heck out.  Just as I'm esiting the vehicle I see a big Ford 4x4 coming down the ramp and antoher running wth a tow strap.  They latched it on and tugged the Toyota out before it was completely submerged.  :blush:

The whole time this is happening the owner of the truck is in my other buddies boat yelling at us, what the &%$%^&*#@#$%^&*  *&^%$#$  *&$^% are you guys doing to my truck!

So we get the truck towed back to the campsite.  The owner is fuming.  Finally, his girlfriend hands him a bottle of Tequila and tells him to go chill.

In the meantime, Chuck and I start stripping the truck.  Out cam the seats, the radio, the cassettes, a Marlin Lever action, etc.

We pulled the covers off the seats and used three hair dryers to start drying them out.  The same went for the radio, the fuse blocks, and anything else electrical.  it was quite the sight.

Later on my now ex-buddy comes up and says "so what happened"?  I explained how it was in 4 wheel drive when I got in the truck, but yet the fron wheels weren't turning.  This is when I find out, the guy had been driving with the 4X4 engaged, but never locked his front hubs!  Now, I was ready to kick his butt.

Long story short, we got the truck running and dried out.  We all left the same day without a problem.

After we got home, my wife called him and offered to replace the CD's which got destroyed.  We never heard from the since.

For those going to McClure you'll meet my buddy Chuck, and he can re-hash the story for you  ;)

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OK, well, I'm not trying to be compared to the swampster lx, nor to Stewart's truck, but I feel I must tell this story.

I have always taken great pride in the efficiency of my wife and I at the boat ramp.  She backs up better than 95% of trailer-backers out there, which is a good enough percentage for me.  And I back the boat off liek way better than like 50% of people... :) 

Anyway, so a few weeks ago I got some of those nifty transom tie downs for the trailer.  The first time we back down the ramp, I, of course, totally forget that those straps are there.  So, I start the boat and I look down the side and the darn fender is floating on the trailer.  And I'm like, I know, we somehow have hooked the underwater gear on the trailer...I'll just power it off.  uhh..no.  So I tell my wife to back down more.  No dice.  By now I've been in teh water for like 3 minutes and I'm starting to get a little chapped.  So, I have her pull out of the water to look at everything.  I don't notice anything odd at all, so back in the water we go.  Can't get it off.  So then I'm calling everyone around to help me unweight the boat off the trailer...when some complete Wally says "you unhooked the straps right?"  Uhhhhhhh......noooo.

What an idiot!  So far, I have been too embarrassed to post this story...but in light of lightening up this not so light thread, I have taken the first step to recovery.

LOL. :lol: Yes you have. Now that you have that off your chest, you must feel better, right? I wish I could have seen your face at that instant of realization.

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Chuck told to me back down further, heck its a 4X4.  So I did.  What I didn't know was that a section of the ramp was missing.  So, when I backed in further my rear wheel went of the ramp and dropped.  Big problem.  ..............Later on my now ex-buddy comes up and says "so what happened"?  I explained how it was in 4 wheel drive when I got in the truck, but yet the fron wheels weren't turning.  This is when I find out, the guy had been driving with the 4X4 engaged, but never locked his front hubs!  Now, I was ready to kick his butt.

The 2 things that went wrong here:

1) the rear wheel came off a missing section of the ramp

2) The truck wasn't really in 4X4

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The ONLY way to settle this matter now is a good 'ol fashioned fist fight...

Oh, I'm sorry, I graduated high school. I don't do that anymore.

Wise Choice.

I think the two of you need to meet at the flag pole after school... Tongue.gif

No Dice. I have never hit a woman in my life. :)

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