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When to Install coarse? Date or water Temp.


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I live southeast Mass. The water is still cold.The boat is still winterrized.Do I wait till water temp. hits 60? It takes 1.5 to 2hrs. to Install if we find the sud bouys. What does everone else do?I want to ski.

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We install as soon as we can stand being in the water that long. Usually, it's in somewhere around the first week of April. Not this year, though - it's been cr@ppy weather! edit: Water temp is usually in the low to mid 50's.

Edited by beef
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Sundance Club is dropping ours Saturday April 18th at Lake Billy. Rebuilt the course totally because of wear and tear. I hope it's warm. Currently highs are about 55 and lows are at 33. I'll measure the water temp next Saturday.

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we install when the 10 day forecast convinces us that it won't refreeze.

installed it last saturday.

water temps were 48.

that thing about finding the subs?

once your course is set this season, idle down the course and set a gps waypoint at each pair of boat guides.

we have used our gps for 3 seasons and the only problem is that when the navigator tells the crew doing wet work to hit the water they need to be careful not to drop in on top of the subs. our subs are a good 5' down but tapping your foot on them will tear your feet up (zebra mussels).

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