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Engine Removal

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After nearly six months on hold, I finally have a house and garage and can get back to work on restoring my '88 Skier. Pulled the engine today, and in short, I would not recommend this technique to anybody. I should have found an auto shop with an open bay and a steel beam, but I did manage to get everything done without any catastrophes. Now it's time to wrap the boat in plastic and grind fiberglass for a few days to get the stringers out.


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After nearly six months on hold, I finally have a house and garage and can get back to work on restoring my '88 Skier. Pulled the engine today, and in short, I would not recommend this technique to anybody. I should have found an auto shop with an open bay and a steel beam, but I did manage to get everything done without any catastrophes. Now it's time to wrap the boat in plastic and grind fiberglass for a few days to get the stringers out.


Holy $h!t...

I hope those cables are anchored well.

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Wow, very ingenious. I guess those hooks are secured in the ceiling good, huh.

I would have to agree, not sure I'd recommend that method to many people. Hate to show you how inexpensive engine hoists in your area can be. You'd still have to secure it in the ceiling really good. But you'd probably have a bit better control of the engine as it went up & down.



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Curious, how did you anchor the pulley bolts to the ceiling? Did you overlap more support over the trusses and use a bolt nut combination, I did something similar at my Dad's house when I was a kid and actually installed an electric hoist but ran a header over the trusses which was weight ranged to handle over 1000lbs.

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WOW! If you were by Bake's i would have let you use our engine hoist no problem.

Good luck with the project getting her put back together!


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I just rented an engine hoist for 4x4 trucks. A truck hoist allows you to reach and lift an engine high enough to get it over the gunnels so you can roll the boat out from under it. Oh and, no worries! Biggrin.gif

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I do realize there were numerous easier and better ways to get the engine out. It was one of those projects where I had done something similar in the past that worked out great, but about halfway through this - right around the time when I was too invested in it to completely start a new approach - I realized how much simpler it would have been to just drag the boat to a real garage with steel beams and a hoist. Part of the problem was that I still would have needed to borrow a truck and find a way to get the engine out of the bed and back into the corner of my garage.

Regardless, it worked out fine. No stress cracks in the ceiling and no damage to anything. For what it's worth, I put it together so that all the connections had about double the capacity of what I expected the engine weighed (assuming 1000 pounds), and it was distributed across the ceiling so that nothing took more than about a quarter of the weight. So it wasn't completely half-a$$ed, despite how it might look.

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I thought it was all pretty ingenious as long as properly rigged & supported (and it sounds like it was) What are cables attached to for pulling?

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