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Zero Off...


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Now that we have a course in the river we ski on, I'm really interested in some form of speed control (specifically for less experienced drivers (i.e. my CFO), so it gives them one less thing to worry about). I have a 2000 Response LX. I checked out Zero Off's website, but they don't list compatibility to my specific boat. ZO does not seem to use a paddle wheel or pitot-type sensors for speed, so that shouldn't be an issue. However does ZO only work with "fly-by-wire" type throttle systems? WHen I look at the package you get when you buy it, it seems to be missing the "servo" type motor that my buddy's PP equipped boat has.



PS: I skied the course for the first time yesterday. Although the conditions were less than ideal, I was still quite discouraged of my performance. I've been free skiing at a pretty short line, and obviously I'm not going short in the course. But even at only 15' and 22' off, I'm wide enough, but seem to be late to the 1st buoy. I'm able to catch up by 4 or 5, but I'm missing 2 and 3. Any thoughts?? Tips?

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Yup - you're SOL and EControls has no plans to help out people with the non-TBW boats. This is one of the big gripes people have with ZO - you can't train behind it unless you have a newer TBW boat. Ponying up $1k for speed control isn't too bad. Having to drop $40k is slightly worse.


Edited by mlange
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About your only choice for speed control in Perfect Pass. PP Stargazer is pretty easy to use, particularly with the pre-sets/names - particularly if you have it set before you leave the boat... I didn't have any problems with several first time driver/users of the system during a recent long weekend trip.

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You are right. ZO is designed for DBW (Drive by Wire) boats only. You'll be looking at either accuski or Perfect Pass.

PerfectPass is probably your best bet. You'll have lots of options if you buy new. The stargazer is the latestest from PP but it also requires

course magnets, and boat magnet sensors if you want to take full advantage of it.

Its not cheap, but its well worth it.

If your starting the course for the first time, try ignoring the gates. Just pull out to the right and then start your course right at ball 1.

If you want to try gates, angle is important. Good angle, and a good body position pull will set you up nicely at ball 1.

Have fun!

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i have ZO in my boat and love it. It so easy to use and times are always perfect. As others have said, PP is your only option for that boat. sorry..

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Accuski is long gone, so it's not an option. However, the rumor I heard from Schnitz on SkiFly or Nicholls (take it for what it's worth) is that the guy that had the Accuski algorithm offered it up to ZO to use. The general consensus is that Accuski always had the best pull. Pretty safe to say it will never see the light of day, but it's nice to think about.


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Both ZO and PP are working on new programs to be more skier friendly in ZO's case and I hope, which is different than knowing, that in PP case it's to make the pull more like the new pull of ZO and to make it's set up a little easier...We can only wait to see what happens over the winter.

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at my level i dont notice much difference from, classic PP and ZO on A other than a consistent pull everytime. I havent tried B , but i dorve it and I could really hear the engine speeding up. So I knew not to try that setting.

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at my level i dont notice much difference from, classic PP and ZO on A other than a consistent pull everytime. I havent tried B , but i dorve it and I could really hear the engine speeding up. So I knew not to try that setting.

I talked to this guy that was scared becuase the engine was roaring when he came around the ball (it was a Mastercraft with the SS exhaust tips too) and he said he really braced for the pull but there was nothing there. He actually skied worse because he kept thinking he need to compensate for the pull. I think he used B.

From what I was told is that ZO applies the same amount of power on each setting, just changes where, and how aggressively. He used a bell curve to help explain the differences.

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I skied on ZO at Coble's and didn't notice any issues. My buddy didn't like it and asked them to pull him with PP classic. I think it really varies depending on the skier and their style. I rode in the boat with April when she was skiing and she felt the extra weight in the boat (I was the third person) impacted the pull with ZO also.

It all seems very complicated. I generally don't ski in tournaments so it isn't much of an issue for me as we have PP classic. I have also skied behind a buddies 07 LXI with Stargazer and it seems to pull like the PP classic. I am thinking about upgrading but it is hard to justify the $429 when I just shelled out for PP two years ago.

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ZO has 3 different pulls. Pull A is about the same as PP.

The difference in pull is when the gas comes on and when it comes off. Setting A on a 196 most definitely does not feel like PPC on my RLXi. No ZO setting feels like my PPC. The point isn't that nobody can ski ZO, the point is that most of us are having to work a lot harder to get the same score that we used to get. Saying setting A is the same as PP is a very general statement and should be qualified as to what line lengths you are skiing and what boats you ski behind.

ZO is great to drive because you set speed and that's it. PPSG is a drivers nightmare because of all the table values that aren't obvious to get the pre-course set up good and not get a 200rpm swing at the 3 ball.

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