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  • Recent Posts

    • I’ve only changed the impeller in my “new to me” 2004 LSV once. Ran it 2 seasons, about 75h total since. I recall that being a multiple try 3-4 hour ordeal, but got it done. One of the challenges is that the pump face is touching the muffler and if you’re looking at the muffler from the port side it hits about 6:45-7 on the “clock”. In the pic I have the exhaust “jacked up” with a 2x4 wedge to get the top screw out. IIRC last time I used paint can openers, but I’ve been at it for more than an hour on each occasion this season without success. 

      I’ve tried the “starter bump” method without success. 

      I don’t want to redo the exhaust pipes this year to give me more room, and I’ve tried to remove them, but they are glued on there pretty good and I’m afraid of damaging the piping. 

      Looking for advice. 
      1. Get exhaust hose and move the exhaust “up”. 
      2. Continue to remove the raw water pump and use an impeller puller? 
      3. Any other ideas. 

      Thanks all! 


    • We put my 2009 Malibu 20 vtx on the ramp. Starts up fine and goes into gear. But when we tried to launch, it took 3-4 seconds to move a little bit and stopped. 
      If anyone has an idea what it could be, please let me know. Thank you

    • I would reach out to the folks at GatorStep.  

    • Just spit balling here, but have you checked your transmission fluid level lately?

    • Check the hardware on the wedge actuator and make sure the pin and bolt are in place.  Also, check the electrical connection plugs in the boat going to the wedge.

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